My boyfriend (22M) and me (20F) used to have sex once a week at the beginning of the relationship (first year only) but we had multiples encounters back to back (2-3). We’re almost 4yrs together and we have sex like once or twice a month and it’s only one not so good round. I’ve talked to him and I always try to spice things up but nothing I try seems to be appealing to him and when I ask him what he wants he tells me he likes it just as it is.

  1. Sounds like your libidos don’t match up. You might want to ask r/deadbedrooms for advice

  2. For me the question is more like what would make me NOT want to have sex, because I would fuck my wife 1-2x a day and still want more, and we’ve been together 19 years.

    So it sounds like you two have a mismatch in desire.

  3. Just about every relationship has natural lulls, as boring as it sounds, scheduling it can help. During a low point for us we scheduled two sex days a week. It didn’t take long for us to get back into the grove and really start looking forward to it and throwing in another session or two a week.

  4. What is the actual question here?

    What make me want to have sex? My girlfriend saying I can have sex.

    What will make your guy want to have sex? Dunno. Not nearly enough info here about the two of you.

  5. The dental hygienist at my son’s orthodontist. My goodness, I see her once every 6-8 weeks, just want to fuck every time.

  6. A 22 year old with this low of a sex drive isnt really normal. Does he watch porn?

  7. So, you guys started having sex when he was 18 and you were 16? At that age only once per week is not much unless you just couldn’t logistically do it more living at home with parents. But to be a 22 yr old dude and only want it 1-2 times per month is not normal. Something is affecting his sex drive….medications? depression? Gotta figure out what that is.

  8. Do anal. And learn how to do that thing where you put your legs behind your head. That should do it.

  9. 22 and ONLY had sex once a week in the beginning of a relationship? He didn’t have a very high libido in the first place. This is just where his is at. You can’t MAKE him want it more.

    When I was 22 I could easy have done it multiple times every single day in the early relationship.

  10. How is he doing outside the bed? Any issues that can worsen his mood and overall mental state, like troubles at family/work/college?

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