So I was introduced to this amazing girl a little bit over a year ago. We talked for a while and then went on a date and it was great. We decided to stay as friends as she was going off to university (in person) and as I was doing university from home. For context, we both go to the same university but I live about a 2 hour bus ride from university. We hung out and the chemistry was great that we decided to give it a another shot. Fast forward about a month, I was ready to ask her to my gf. She knew I was gonna ask her so she talked about it with her parents and they said they wanted her to wait until the end of school year and then can revisit it. For context, the school year had just started so they were saying wait 8 months. For both us, our parents approval was important because we didn’t want to hide it from them. At the beginning, I said I’d be okay with it but as time went on I wasn’t able to do it because waiting 8 months and not being able to see each other frequently was taking a toll on me (idk if it was taking a toll on her).

Fast forward about 3 months, I move to campus and I’ve been having second thoughts about whether or not I did the right thing by ending things and I miss her. I send her a message asking to try again and she says she wants to be friends and I respect that. Fast forward another 3 months, I couldn’t get her off my mind and even though she said she just wanted to be friends, I was hoping maybe she’d want more. I sent her a huge message explaining how I felt, apologizing for my mistakes, and asked for another chance again. She said it’s better if we’re friends and I respect it.

I haven’t been able to get her out of my mind for months now. I know she wants to be friends and I respect that and I’m not gonna ask her again, but it’s so hard to not to see if maybe she feels the same way as well. I’ve been fighting the urge to text her, see how she’s doing and just talk to her again. I made mistakes and she didn’t deserve that and I feel so bad for hurting her. I’ve been trying so hard to get over her but nothing is working and now I have no clue what to do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

1 comment
  1. Doode… tbh there has to be a backstory, yall are grown ass adults asking for approval for a person you genuinely “love”? Why? If yall couldnt wait 8 months before, what makes you think yall would last 8 months after?

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