Met this girl from bumble(21f) me (21). She seems like a nice girl, we have a lot in common and she’s also virgin, same as me. Our first date was at a restaurant and it went well. Second day was a disaster, she got drunk in front of my club members because I am apart of a club. Sorta made a fool of herself but it wasn’t bad. Then after I dropped her home. She FaceTime me and talked about how evil her dad was and how he abused her mom and that’s why they are divorced. I feel like she told me to much information and we just had a second date.

  1. You probably will ignore this advice given your age and your desire to lose your virginity. But, it’s best to move on from this. Better single than to get involved in that mess.

  2. It’s possible she was really nervous and now feels mortified. It’s possible she’s crazy and will ruin your life. Do you want to find out?

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