What is something this coming week that you are really excited about?

  1. Cooling down…but I’m also heading north at the weekend for my summer break…hopefully a bit cooler up there in Scotland.

  2. Bike rides in the sunshine.

    I’ve been having a tough week emotionally, and I’ve been trying to learn better coping habits instead of needing my partner to completely support me through every low moment.

  3. i’m getting a bunch of clothes back from my tailor, including a balmain blazer that i’m dying to wear.

  4. Doctor’s appointment! I know crazy right, but I have a list of issues I want addressed and in my area it takes ages for an appointment.

  5. On Wednesday night, I’m going to leave the house for a couple hours to join some friends jogging

  6. That I’ve just left a really toxic work environment, and even though I’ve not got another job lined up yet, I’m excited to get some rest and not feel so anxious

  7. i gonna do some shopping, gonna buy myself nice workout clothes and a dress from my baby.

  8. My “friend” is coming to London from NYC. I haven’t seen him for 6 weeks and I’m looking forward to it. I’m horny as fuck.

  9. There is a garden concert at a park by my apartment tomorrow night. I am really looking forward to it!

  10. My bachelorette party! My bff/MOH is coming out from 1200km away to be there, I miss her so much and I’m excited to see her

  11. It’s going to piss it down on Wednesday, and I am far too pale and Slavic for this stupid heat.

  12. Visiting my 3 year long distance boyfriend in California for 2 weeks! My heart!!!!!!

  13. Pre-op appointment and I’m hearing if I got a new position I interviewed for or not. Equally excited and nervous for both!

  14. A talented artist friend of mine is having an exhibition of her work at a well known gallery where I live. It’s her first. I’m confident this is going to change her world!

  15. I’m playing video games with my niece tonight! I’m hoping I can get her to play fall guys again, last time we played among us and I hate that game so much. We might also get down with some mario kart, it depends on what she feels. But I’m excited! I love spending time with my niece.

  16. Hearing back from this job interview… it’s been a long hiring process so hopefully I get it🤞🏽

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