Just had a baby and I can’t say I see my wife the same. I see her more now as the mother of my child, meaning I have the utmost respect for her and don’t have a desire to do a lot of sexual things I would like to do with a another girl. i.e cum in the face

Is this normal?

  1. Prepare to get some heat on this board, but it’s not uncommon at all. A lot of men have affairs or start going to prostitutes after the baby comes and your wife doesn’t feel like a sexual being anymore. But stay the course, work on it a little, and that desire will come back.

  2. She probably feels terrible and unattractive. You probably need to fake it until you make it. Cum in her face every night until it feels normal again.

  3. As a married man who also has a wife whom I watched get pregnant with my kid, have that kid, and now mother that kid, I genuinely don’t get how shit changes like that. I’m so attracted to her, holy fuck.

    Is it an attitude thing? Is she acting less sexy and taking on the “mom” persona and totally forgoing the woman you met and dated individual persona? I could see that maybe. I think a lot of women box themselves into a non sexual persona because they view moms being sexy as not allowed (despite MILFs being one of the most popular porn categories but I digress).

    But if it’s just something YOU’RE doing in your own brain…bro, cmon. Figure out why you’re turned off. That’s really rough for your wife.

  4. My husband always wants me to let him cum on my face but I find it very disrespectful. Maybe you feel differently now. That’s growth.

  5. I find it sexy that my wife is the mother of my kids. I love doing dirty things to her all the time including cumming on her face, really to me it makes it hotter. Give it some time, maybe look at it a little different.

  6. It’s normal in that guys have lame attitudes like this after starting a family quite often. How do you see this playing out now? No sex? Boring sex? Are you planning to talk to her about it?

  7. You need to give it some time. Focus on being a dad. Then later focus on your relationship. She’s still the same person and you need to let you both settle into your new roles.

  8. Did she let you cum on her face pre-baby? Like others said, give it time for both of you to adjust to parenthood…

  9. Mmm. So you only like to have sex with women you don’t respect. Got it.

  10. It’s not super common but it’s a thing. Ever heard of the Madonna Whore Complex?

  11. Your wife knows how to get dirty. Trust me, they help you to forget about their motherhood.

  12. Wait so…she is the mother of your child so NOW you have the utmost respect for her and don’t want to come on her face but before she had your kid that level of respect wasn’t there so you were down to come on her face? Do I have to explain why that’s fucked up?

  13. go to the therapist and get your lil madonna-whore complex under control

  14. Maybe forget about your “needs” for a while and give your wife the support she needs by focusing on your role as a parent for a few months. It won’t kill you. Remember your marriage vows. And use your hand if you must.

  15. I don’t think that is normal. Hopefully this passes as your child gets a bit older.

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