This happened to me and I assumed she forgot, and it annoyed me. Yet she claims she never forgot, and that she was asking separate of that, as in if I wanted to go grab a bite to eat, nonetheless, we still didn’t do any of this except the shower, and she expects me to believe that she didn’t forget.
How could I not think she forgot!?

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  1. I have seen you are pretty hurt about this. I believe you have already got a pretty good share of advice previously and I would definitely recommend to either follow it, or do something. Taking it out over here instead of talking it to your wife is not going to fix your hurt or issue. People can vote here yes, but our opinions doesn’t matter as the one you are looking for, your wife’s. Sending virtual hugs.

  2. I’d probably post about it on reddit numerous times complaining about my sex life instead of just telling my spouse “I want to have sex with you tonight”

  3. Holy cow it’s you again.

    DUDE: COMMUNICATE. Say, “I’d love to have sex like we talked about this morning. Are you still interested in that?” And go from there.

    Trust me: continuing to post slightly different variations of the same scenario on Reddit WILL NOT HELP YOU.

  4. She was asking what you wanted to do to set a lighthearted, fun, and romantic mood to make all the sex stuff sound interesting. Instead you became pissy and aggressive, making all the sex stuff with you sound less enticing.

  5. I wouldn’t assume the worst. Heck I totally thought Friday was Thursday this week. Then I laughed at myself.

    Anyways I would just tell them yes I want a hot shower together, oily massage, sexy window dressing and a long hot sweaty sex session! How about you?

  6. Been married long enough to know, don’t make a big deal about it. You both are going imperfect and are going to forget sometimes (not saying she did.)
    Stop looking for reasons to be upset with her!

  7. I am actually so over seeing posts about this miserable relationship. You’re looking for validation, but based on your post history and comments, you don’t deserve it.

  8. Why did you comment on another post “I never proposed”? Are you even married?

  9. You got so many comments on your last post and you came to post the same thing again. Either take the advice and use it or quit wasting Reddit space on the same subject. Come back with an update after you’ve communicated.

  10. Lol my husband will leave for work with a little comment about what he’ll do to me when he’s back, but I’ll still ask “what do you wanna do tonight” later in the day, because the assumption is that we won’t have sex for 5h straight and we also have time to do something else together ¯_(ツ)_/¯

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