What’s something women does that makes you attracted to her instantly?

  1. When they are doing something and seem invested and/or having fun. For example, i was sitting at a cafe one time and saw this girl cycling around in the park nearby. She had this bright look about her, like she doesn’t do this normally but now she is and she’s feeling great. I just couldn’t help but take a glance every once in a while.

  2. Thinking of something I didn’t think of.

    Maintaining curiosity and mental flexibility into adulthood.

  3. She listens to understand, and not just waits her turn to speak again.

    Counter – if she interrupts/ talks over you… red flag.

  4. It’s not just about women for me. A confident conversation, and humour, if they make me laugh in conversation, my heart just skipped a beat.

  5. Her demeanour. How she holds herself, how she speaks. Confidence is attractive. Assertiveness is attractive. Dealing with things without screaming has become more attractive with time, I’ve lived with 5 partners and god knows how many housemates and seeing someone lose their cool but not scream? Ooof. I’ve had enough needless screaming until the end of my days.

  6. Sit on my face, with a ten second notice.

    For real, laugh at a silly joke and asking me to tell her a story or a random trivia

  7. It’s pure looks in the first few moments but after, no games. Just comes out and says she likes me, double texts me if she wants etc

  8. I’m gay, but when a woman takes out her updo and shakes out her hair, lord is that attractive.

  9. These cute soft smiles that will melt your heart instantly and the touch as her love language

  10. It’s interesting, prior to marriage it was good shoes, hair done, make-up… Being married it was the deep intellectual conversations… After our first kid, it’s being my teammate and knowing fully I can trust her with this new human to raise this kiddo correctly.

  11. I have a thing for women with good work ethic and who are good with money.

    Like, if she is really good at her job, professional about it, and makes impressive money; instant respect and instant boner.

  12. Treats me as an equal while understanding men have tendencies such as complete ownership of the grill while grilling. No, the burgers aren’t done yet they’re still mooing. Trust me. Stuff like that!

  13. Casually talking then you mention something shes absolutely into, eyes light up and shes just wayyyyy too excited about it. Idk expecially when this person is usually shy and more quiet this is awesome. Even better when its something “childish”.

  14. a woman with beautiful eyes is the most attractive to me
    if they have a great smile and a great nature/personality
    I would die for them and respect them more than I do myself

  15. Being kind hearted and pleasant to be around. Sense of humor is always a plus as well.

  16. Eager to know and experience new things but knows how to laugh at silly things. I love a girl I can bring along on an adventure but then spend half an hour watching ants carrying stuff because it’s damn interesting.

  17. Acts of kindness, not to me necessarily but seeing how she treats others. It’s a really beautiful trait, physically speaking something about putting her hair behind her ears is super attractive to me. I dont know what it is about it, it just makes me melt.

  18. That smell. When they walk by you. Seeing them genuinely enjoy something/excitement.

    Just being nice and smiling. Not going through life thinking every dudes a creepo and wants to bang you just because they smiled at you. Literally if I make eye contact with a women and she smiles at me I’m like happy as can be for like 5 hours aha.

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