So I (32,F) have been out with a guy (31) on seven dates so far and all have been fantastic. We’ve been talking since April, had our first date in May, and each date has been a blast. We live about an hour apart and can typically only see each other on weekends so we usually only see each other once a week, but there have been a couple of times where he went away for a weekend or had a super packed weekend scheduled already so we didn’t see other until the next weekend. The issue now is we were supposed to see each other this coming weekend and made plans to but he forgot about some commitments he already made. I asked about next weekend and he’s going away with friends for the weekend so now we won’t see each other for at least two weeks. He apologized about this, but didn’t say anything about getting together after but has been texting and conversing normally with me since. Is this a “he’s not as into me as he should be and doesn’t make me a priority” situation or am I reading too much into this? I want to just say, “hey, I kind of just want to make sure we’re on the same page and confirm you’re still interested.” Is that too much at this point or is there a better way to phrase it? I think my concerns are valid but I’ve been gaslit by guys in past relationships who had avoidant attachment styles so sometimes I second guess myself.

1 comment
  1. There’s nothing whatsoever wrong with how you’re feeling… Perfectly normal. People shouldn’t be fobbing you off for more than 2 weeks when you just met ffs, and you’re both supposed to be excited about seeing each other… Do NOT let anyone tell you otherwise. If the interest is low to begin with, it is LOW – and you are best off finding someone else who’s interest matches yours.. And I highly recommend you ask him that. Unlike women who will make the excuse of being “afraid of backlash” for telling the truth, which can be valid, guys don’t have this excuse and will be forced to tell the truth if you press us. So ask very directly as you have said.


    If he gaslights you and says “you’re moving too fast” “what’s wrong with you” or any variation of that, over such a harmless question, block him.

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