We have been dating since Valentines, we are both design students in the same field and the same year but different unis, so big mutual interest in design and art was an major staring point for us. We opened up more for eachother and enjoyed time together.

Besides studying I’m working in a project group and running a small bussines, so I spent at least 80-100 hours weekly on my tasks this semester. She was working besides her studies. We managed to meet at least once a week, nearly always at her place because I had 2 roomies + I got a car so its way easier for me to get to her (about 30min drive)

Now to the point. We had some small talks about what we are doing during and after summer. Since we both got our degrees, we are both looking for a job, so its a big gamble where we end up when summer is over. She as well as me started to get feelings for eachother, but neither of us are down to have a long distance thing.

She said to me recently that she likes me as a human being, she want to have me in her life but she doesnt feel that exciting “thing” (as she said). I’m got feelings for her and she sees it. She asked if we can keep being friends as we are now, which, as I understand, friends with benefits. She also said she doesn’t want us to lock eachother out from meeting other people, but she doesn’t want us to stop meeting eachother since she cares about me. I said I cant do friends, I want to keep dating her. She told me several days later that she needs some space after we talked about that.

My question now is, should I keep investing myself in something Im not sure if it will work out, or just cut it before it will hurt too much.

TLDR; Dating a girl for ~5 months, developed feelings for eachother, started going sideways now Im unsure if I should keep investing myself into it.

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