Hey guys so I’m 18F and I was recently talking to this guy 22M on this dating app. He was very articulate and we were on the phone for 4 hours. We decided to meet up the next day. He picked me up and we got food and head back to his place.

During the drive to his house, he was super sweet and always asking me questions and making sure that I was comfortable. He even hold my hands and gently rubbed them to ease my anxiety.

Once we reached into his condo, he started to make out with me and took my virginity.

I felt slightly uncomfortable because I had to tell him to use a condom. It’s like if I didn’t say anything, he wasn’t going to use it. And he was like “It’s hard for my dick to stay hard in condoms.” So he took it off and for a few mins he went in me raw.

But then shit gets weird. For some reason he was struggling to get hard.
Eventually, I wanted to stop just because I’m feeling uncomfortable. I asked him what’s wrong with your dick. And then he said that it was the vaping plus the nerves (since I was a virgin). Then he put back on his clothes and he told me to put on my clothes immediately.

Then he asked me if I wanted to leave. I was speechless because he just bought me back to his place and he wasn’t going to drop me off until midnight.

He said he would prefer if I leave.

I didn’t bother getting angry with him so I just packed my things and then he called an Uber for me. I apologized to the guy and he said how it’s not my fault and how he has ptsd and wants to be left alone.

I cried for a bit and I felt used. And I don’t know if the man was clean or not. I didn’t see anything on his dick though…

Once I reached home I sent him a farewell text and thanked him for the meal. I knew deep down that this was over. He even unmatched me from the app.

At the end of the day, it is what it is. I’m just praying to god that I didn’t contract shit from him. And my parents have no clue about this situation. 💀

  1. Are you looking for advice? Anyway, definitely go get an STD test and even a pregnancy test if you’re not on birth control. He sounds like a mean person. Don’t date guys like that again.

  2. Sorry for what happened to you.

    Firstly if you want to talk someone my dm is open and I will listen without judgement.

    Then secondary, take good care of yourself, if you don’t use any birth control and this happened a few days back I suggest you take a plan b pill.

    Get a std checkup it isn’t scary or painful and might even be free depending where you live.

    Again you didn’t do anything wrong, still I am here if you need someone

  3. >I asked him what’s wrong with his dick

    I’m not condoning the guys disregard for safe sex, but after this I’d sent you home as well

  4. He should have used a condom, go get checked, your parents don’t have to know unless you have something really bad because of it.

    He sent you home because he probably thought you were very insulting and you hurt him in his manlyhood.

    Telling a guy what’s wrong with your dick when he has issues staying hard can be very insulting depending on how you said it to him.

  5. So it’s not uncommon for men to struggle to keep an erection. And yes he probably was a bit embarrassed and that’s why he asked you to leave.

    But not using a condom after you asked him to is really shitty. He shouldn’t have done that regardless of circumstances. Please get yourself tested just in case.

  6. Regardless, you need to get tested for pregnancy and STDs. It was a shit situation and I’m sorry it happened this way for you. Don’t take any chances and get checked.

  7. > I asked him what’s wrong with your dick.

    Lol I chuckled at this. Like dude, WHAT IS WRONG with your dick??

  8. You don’t ask “what’s wrong with your dick”. Both parties should be amazed by the genitals of eachother and comfort it. Then, eventually, the men will stay hard cause he can relax, and the women gets wet, cause theres no such thing as pressure.

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