I’ve noticed that theres a lot of Gen Z women over the age of 20 that have never dated before and some have never even been on dates. Its true its common for a lot of high schoolers to not date but now I’ve noticed that there are a lot of women in college and in their early 20s not have romantic experiences. I’m not even judging because I’m 22 and I have never dated at all and I’ve seen a lot of women in the same situation. People think dating is easier for women but thats not the case. Some people say its looks but I’ve seen pretty girls that are late bloomers.


What do think is behind that?

  1. Probably because hookup culture has dominated the show for quite some time.

    I think dating for women would be easier if they ditched the 1950s trope of dating and stopped ‘waiting for the guy to make the first move’

  2. Feminism? More specifically that guys should not bother women… Guys dont wanna be annoying and ask women out anymore? I dont know, but it seems less appropriate these days…

    And women will never make the first move 99% of the time sooooo

    Im a 23 year old guy, never dated anyone either… I dont know much about these things :/

  3. With how much I hear about guys failing to shower and can’t figure out how stoves work, I can see why they might not want to even consider dating.

  4. Even if it’s more common there’s just no way this is the norm. I see women I know in real life that aren’t that attractive use online dating and be in a relationship in days or weeks.

    It’s just easier to accept or reject people than have to make most of the effort to form the connection. It’s just human biology. I don’t see why it would be any different now even with the rise of technology.

  5. I’m 26, so technically a millennial…. 👀 anyho, I’ve never had a relationship and can only put it down to the fact I’ve never really been that interested in OLD as I’ve always had plans to move abroad, or study or whatever next. I’ve just never really put myself out there, or wanted a relationship for that matter. I’ve always been a very socially busy person and I’m very fulfilled with my friends. Perhaps I’m a commitment phobe? I don’t know. But I have had flings, just not with anyone who see me as gf material 🤷🏽‍♀️

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