He says he cares, he loves me and that I’m a beautiful and awesome person but he doesn’t have romantic feelings. He has depressions and uses medication – since the begging of the relationship sex wasn’t great because of that. We have been together for 2 years and he broke up with me more than once and regretted. He says he doesn’t know what his problem is. I love him but I know I need and deserve more. Is that normal??

  1. Dude. Your post history says it all. Break up with him already. He doesn’t prioritize you. He’s aggressive towards you. He doesn’t care for you. He is with you out of convenience it seems like. I’m sorry to be harsh. But seriously. Find someone who *actually* wants to be with you. You’re not a rehabilitation facility for this broken man.

  2. what anti-depressant is he taking? some medications will lower libido: Prozac, Paxil, Zoloft. Have him talk to the dr that prescribed the meds. They may be able to switch him to something w/o the sexual side effect, or they may be able to add something to counteract the effect.

  3. Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who longer has romantic feelings towards you? I know it’s easier said than done but you have to love yourself enough to walk away from a lacking relationship. I know this next part is harsh but he is most likely staying with you out of comfort and ease because you’re willing to take care of him and once he finds someone else he’ll just leave. Depression is an explanation not an excuse. Know that you deserve to be in a relationship where someone genuinely loves you as much as you love them.

  4. 1. Have him make sure his medication isn’t the cause.
    2. You two need to take a break. You two both need to figure out of this is the right relationship for each other. You can love someone even if you know in your heart you can’t really be together. This could be one of those cases. Sometimes no matter how much you love someone, it’s not going to work. Separate for awhile and figure out if this is one of those cases.

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