I’ve been on 2 dates with a girl. She’s really sweet and hot af. But something isn’t clicking.

She’s pretty quiet and honestly I’m usually into the really outgoing types. I feel awful saying that coz I’m quite shy myself but I’m most attracted to super confident girls.

She may open up more. And she truly is lovely. And tbh I’d like to keep seeing her. But I don’t know if she’d be long term partner material for me or not. Im really not sure. I don’t know what she wants either as it’s only been 2 dates.

How do I deal with this? maybe I’m overthinking too far ahead?

Tl;dr not sure where I want to take things with this girl I’m seeing

  1. It’s only been two dates in. You both barely know each other. But maybe you just move into the friend zone and stay there. Just because someone is nice or hot doesn’t mean they are automatically “the one.” Just don’t lie or give false expectations because that is mean.

  2. How old are you two? It’s ok if you don’t know right away if you’d like someone to be your long term partner. That’s what dating is for. If you’d like to keep seeing her then ask her out for a third date.

  3. There’s no chrystal balls in life, pal. Listen to your instincts, make a decision and then commit to that decision when your ready. You can’t be half in, half out forever

  4. You should trust your gut. If you’re not sure, then it’s not the one. She say she’s sweet, so you probably don’t want to hurt her when you realize later it’s still don’t work as well as you hoped

  5. Two dates. Dude. you can eliminate a lot of the crazies out there in two dates. She isnt obviously crazy and is nice and sweet. That brings her far, far ahead in the field.

    You cannot determine her core personality in two dates, nor find out that she is long term relationship material in two dates (you can find out that she isnt, but not that she is).

    Considering how dogshit the dating market for men are, I would not pull the plug yet.

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