There’s someone I work with who I’d like to ask on a date. I’ve only seen her in person once, and since we work virtually my talks with her have been limited to virtual.

Would it be weird for me to ask her on a date given I’ve only seen her in person once?

  1. Maybe it’s best if you first establish a base connection. Us ladies will often feel a bit ambushed if asked out of the blue by someone we don’t know (varies per lady) and might say no. Get to know them a bit first and then ask her out! More often than not that’ll yield better results. It does atleast for most women I know. You can however just go for it and hope she doesn’t back away, but it’s high risk high reward 🙂

    Good luck!

  2. Have you spoken to her outside of work related topics? like any common interest, hobbies? Maybe you two have exchanged personal mobile numbers or emails? anything that screams she’s interested in talking to me other than work related discussions.

  3. Don’t ask her to go out, ask a group of coworkers to go out. This will allow you to spend more time with her and gauge whether she’d even be interested.

    EDIT: Just saw it’s all virtual so I don’t know if this advice would apply.

  4. If I were in her place I would find it weird, because I met you in person only once. Having said that, you could give her your number and try to get to know her better.

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