men who never looked up to anyone, Why?

  1. A lot of these professional athletes, tv and movie stars are just bad people.

  2. I didn’t have many positive male role models, even as a child I knew this. And I think looking up to superheros is dumb.

    From an very young age I always envisioned who I wanted to be. Of course that changed as I got older but it was a guiding set of principles that was attainable.

  3. Give us an example on whi we should look up to? Other than our own parents or grandparents

  4. People say never meet your heroes and it’s true. Most of them are awful people. At least the people I’ve met that were mine. I try to be and act as the person I needed growing up and the friend that I needed when no one was there.

  5. Because they have demons, and you stop believing after so many disappointments.

  6. I was always really independent as a child (to the point it could be dangerous because my 5 year old ass would sneak out of daycare and go to the park) so I would do my own thing or learn things on my own and not seek to emulate others.

    As I got older I saw more of peoples flaws.

  7. We may need to define what “looked up to” means. I’ve admired different qualities about people, but I feel like that phase means more along the lines of trying to emulate them. I see people mentioning pro athletes, whose skill you could admire while not exactly looking up to them. Similarly, I’ve met very knowledgeable people, but I may not necessarily want to pursue studying the same things. I have not met someone where I think every action they take is something I myself would buy into. Everyone eventually does something I consider dumb, takes a position I disagree with, or behaves in a way I consider inappropriate. In that sense, everyone has their flaws, some more and some less. Those who have more, I avoid. Those who have less are more likely to be peers. I don’t aspire to be someone other then the best version of myself, so I wouldn’t look up to someone who isn’t me.

  8. Don’t really care much about people. Can’t look up to anyone you don’t know about, which narrows it down to very few people in my case.

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