I (32f) have been casually texting this guy (37m) for a few weeks, he usually replies relatively quickly, like a few hours. I didn’t really think anything of it because he’s a semi-famous musician who works a lot and doesn’t seem to be the type to be on his phone much (he rarely posts on social media, etc.) Other than that, he seems like a genuinely sweet guy and I really like him.

I thought things were going ok, but he recently left the country to go on tour and the last message I sent was just me saying I hope he has a good time. He read it but never replied and it’s been 2 days now. Is this a clear sign he’s not interested in talking to me at all or is it possible he’s actually just really busy and saw my message at a bad time and then forgot to reply? I know I have done that before, especially when things are hectic or busy irl.

Should I be messaging him again? Trying to be patient? Giving up and moving on because this is a clear sign he dislikes me? I’d appreciate any advice or opinions.

  1. Even if I’m busy, I would still be able to take 5 minutes out of my day to text someone if i were interested in them. In fact, i think i would low key think about them here and there. Just my take though!

  2. Some people just text at different rates. Personally I hate texting and it takes me a long time to reply, especially if I’m not comfortable with the person yet, cause I always feel anxious about texting the wrong thing. But that’s me.

    You said he’s in a different country touring right? It could be he’s super busy/tired/on a different time zone. He could have seen your text while he was busy and just forgot to reply. I do that all the time. That being said, if I’m interested in someone I don’t think that I’d forget to reply. I don’t know… shoot him another text and see how it goes? If it happens again, you should probably think about moving on.

  3. Maybe there’s issues with his phone internationally? A friend went to Italy, and had trouble with service while she was there.

    More than likely – you aren’t too if mine.

    Even if I’m busy after a few days I text back. And my someone I’m romantically interested in would be much quicker.

  4. The road is the artist’s wife, and you are his mistress.

    He should have told you “Brandy, you’re a fine girl. What a good wife you would be. But my life, my love and my lady is the sea. Doo doo doo – doo doo doo”

  5. Throwing in the towel becausd he didn’t respond yet is a thing you could do.

    But if you want to be more serious about this relationship you should text him something like:
    “Hey I really like our texting I would like to make a phonecall/videocall/go on a date/meet up in person when you are back in the country”

    This states your intentions, that you want more out of this relationship and he can/will respond to that.

    Of course it would suck if he rejects you but it would not be worse than giving up on a possibly beautiful relationship just because some words were left unspoken.

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