I (F) dating someone and it’s very new. We met on a dating app and we are going well. I do believe in horoscopes because I had terrible experiences with Aquarius men. And then I realised that Aquarius men are not the best type for me (Virgo).
When we matched his horoscope was written Taurus. So I read all the internet articles on Virgo women and Taurus men. And now I discovered that he is Aries.

He doesn’t know that I know. He dosent even know that I do believe in horoscope a lot. And I think the wrong sign in the dating app was also not on purpose.

  1. Throw it away. I’m a Sagittarius dating a Scorpio which is one of the worst matchups based on the zodiac, but we work together. What matters most is how you fit with each other. Your strengths might be the others weaknesses and vice versa. Dont throw away the chance based on horoscopes. Even if it doesn’t work, at least you tried.

  2. So you’ve been doing well together despite the fact you thought he was a different horoscope entirely?

    I think that says everything that can be said about the reliability of using horoscopes to determine who you date.

  3. How about you try to get to know people by spending time with them and asking questions rather than reading horoscopes and projecting what you read onto the other person?

  4. This right here is why I consider believing in horoscopes and psychics a HUGE red flag and would never date a person who believes in such things if they were the last person on earth.

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