Hey, so here’s the issue: I (M22) caught feelings for someone (F20). Had trouble bringing myself to act on them because I have had some poor experiences in the past, but after spending time with her I got a genuinely good feeling about it and I like her a lot and she’s a very unique person. I decided to try and ask her out and see where it goes.

Well, as I see her she tells me that she’s a bit suddenly moving away to another country (Belgium; not too far away but not a neighboring country either) for a couple of years to study. Felt devastated and decided to back off at first, but then she asked me out. Was fun, but really just drew me in deeper.

Now I don’t really know what to do. I’m really conflicted and it’s bothering me a lot. I want to tell her how I feel, and I feel like if I don’t I will regret it for a long time even if doing it would come to nothing. I wouldn’t expect her to choose to get in a long distance relationship with someone right as she’s moving. I know it would also be an unfair burden on her with everything else going on, and I don’t really want her to stress over it, I do want her to be happy with what’s a new chapter in her life. Furthermore, if something did come out of it, I’m not even certain myself how a long distance relationship would go. It’d be for a fairly long time, too.

The more I think about it, the worse the idea of doing it sounds, but keeping quiet sounds even worse. I don’t want to be selfish and immature about it, but I also don’t want to lose an opportunity for something, and I don’t want to regret not being honest about it. This sucks. Any opinions?

TL;DR: Girl I felt really good about is moving away a long distance, I feel conflicted as to whether to tell her my feelings or to give up

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