What are some tips for living in a high crime rate area? Especially for crimes against women?

  1. Always let someone know when you’re leaving and when you arrive at your destination. Also, if possible, own a big dog.

  2. Carry pepper spray on your keychain. Share locations with at least one other friend or family member and avoid walking alone at night or drawing attention to yourself.

    How sad we live in a world where posts like this are relevant. :/

  3. I mean, it depends how much you’re willing to alter your life. Staying in at night is good for safety, but hard for your social life, especially in the winter. Driving instead of walking is good for safety, but a huge pain in the ass in some places like Chicago and New York. Everything is a trade-off.

    I do recommend looking into a knife-proof hoodie, though. Nothing like a little defensive peace of mind.

  4. Invest in a good quality pair of spiked brass knuckles. Enough of the keys between your fingers bull, that’s a good way to lose access to your possible getaway vehicle if you don’t have secure enough grip around those flimsy gagged pieces of metal attached to an even flimsier metal right. Keep them in your purse where you can slip them on with ease, learn how to make a proper fist before you wrap your fingers around the grips…you don’t want to break bones in your hand as you’re swinging with all your might at your attackers jaw and eyes.

  5. I have lived in the projects my entire life. RBF’s are my way to go.

    I don’t fancy the word but they hold weight. Having the face of someone who looks like they carry a knife/gun is much better than being flirted with. I’ll take looking angry any day, even if it affects how effectively I make friends😅

    I still live with my mom so I’ll usually tell her where I’m going, when I plan to be back, etc. And if I’m ever scared, I will pretend to text someone or wander next to an older looking lady so that I don’t appear alone.

    I hide items of importance to me. Jewelry I’ll put beneath my shirt in areas that are unsafe or if it appears unsafe. I also tend to wear baggy clothing so it helps cover things (I’m not recommending this, you beautiful people should wear whatever the fuck you want, gosh I love y’all).

    People can give you whatever advice they want but the most important thing is be aware. The amount of times I’ve seen people glued to their phones, walking in the street because they see someone else doing it and almost getting run over in the process. Headphones on blast. I hate to say it, but this is our lives, please be safe. A text to the ex in the streets is not worth your safety, or your life.


  6. pepper spray .. don’t walk around wearing headphones or staring at your phone especially st night .. don’t talk to strangers .. don’t trust people you don’t know very very well, assume anyone could be dangerous .. pay attention, lock your doors and windows all the time .. don’t sit in your car looking at your phone .. check-in with friends/family frequently .. don’t open the door if you don’t know who is there .. try to familiarize yourself with all your surroundings .. learn to fight / self defense .. research areas/places before going to them .. have a jumper pack in your car or AAA so you don’t have to ask for help .. get gas during the day .. don’t be afraid to offend anyone if you feel uncomfortable and want to get away from them .. have your key in hand when getting up to your home so you aren’t fumbling in your purse once youre there .. use a ring camera or other security system .. have an alarm on your home .. keep your phone in your pocket/bra as opposed to your purse in case someone grabs your purse .. if you have to walk alone at night walk in the street not on the sidewalk so you have a better line of sight and are also more visible in the event you need help .. share your location with trusted friend(s)/family ..

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