I’ve been talking to this girl for like 4 months but I have somehow lost feelings. We had fun chatting together and played alot together but I think I’m the only one who is putting efforts.

She’s a nice and pretty girl but she’s really insensitive and sometimes rude to me. I always check up on her everyday but she doesn’t feel the same. I’m thinking of ghosting her because I know myself that she isn’t the one. And ofcourse as her friend i know she’ll be sad if I ghost her. Should I just block her and moveon in life?

  1. How about instead of ghosting her just come to an agreement that it would be best to stop chatting?

  2. No need for ghosting. Just dont write her anymore and dont reply if she will text you

  3. There’s no need to ghost. Just don’t text her. If she texts you then you can only reply if you feel comfortable.

  4. Better idea: communicate this to her. Talk it out. Reach an agreement.

  5. Damn dude why you gotta ghost her? Why not just tell her you’re not feeling it and call things off. That’s the much better alternative here than just cutting contact abruptly. She’s going to take it way worse if you do that. Have some decency man it’s been 4 months. I don’t care if you lost feelings for her, just tell her something before you cut her off for her sake.

  6. You don’t. Ghosting is immature, and you need to learn to express yourself so use this perfect opportunity.
    Tell her the truth, it may be hard to hear but ghosting is just a weak move.

  7. That’s the problem. I think you like her but don’t like the fact that she doesn’t reply back . Girls are kinda different in this way . They want something to chase . A good bullet proof starategy would be to reduce the “check ups” a lot . Your texts might reek of neediness which makes a girl run from a mile away . You have obviously become a parachute (something that is always available) . She know she can be rude , when she does that a good job would be to call her out and then convey that you have better things to do then take your shit . A good plan would be to reduce the texts (a lot) . Once every three days , she will text back but in that case don’t reply back immediately. Half or maybe an hour to get back . Don’t make the texts lengthy at all .
    If you wanna break it up with her do it like a champ . There will be more . Another thing that will energise the relationship could be (if you’re not actively dating her ) is send a message intentionally that is meant for another girl and not her . It would be more effective if that girl is real and she doesn’t know about her . But do this when you have reduced the number of texts a lot . It’s what is called as a hot and cold approach . Hot being giving a lot of attention and then take that warmth away.

  8. Stop texting her daily. She’ll probably never text you first or rarely.

    Don’t be a dick, don’t ghost, just tell her you’ve lost interest and are moving on.

  9. If you are chatting via instagram you can “restrict” their account. Making it so their comments are not shown, they can’t view your story & if you read their messages it doesn’t tel them

  10. Ghosting would be to just stop texting her/answering.

    What you could also do is text her and say you don’t see this relationship progressing and think it would be best if you didn’t continue talking.

    Chances are she’s not that interested if you are putting in all the efforts.

  11. Just as some other already said: Do not ghost. Pretty inmature thing to do. Talk to her and be clear expose your feeling and your reasons to go. It’s far from eassy but it’s the right thing to do and it will help you learn to face thing when they’re not so pretty

  12. Like everybody else is saying, have a conversation with her. Do it for your own benefit. Having uncomfortable conversations is a skill that’s key for healthy relationships, even if it’s not with this girl.

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