Fake lashes. What is the appeal for you? Why do you wear them? Are they ever uncomfortable? Do they ever hinder your vision? How secure are they?

  1. Not uncomfortable, don’t impair vision. Makes my eyelashes look bigger, accentuates my eyes, especially in photos. I just like how they look. Don’t wear em much because they’re inconvenient for me to apply, though.

    Edit: how secure they are depends on the glue you use. There’s good strong glues and cheap weak glues.

    Edit edit: I have personally never worn the big colorful kind that make you look kinda like an alien, but I’d like to. Camp af. I think they look so bold and cool when I see other women wear them. Maybe next time I go somewhere those would be appropriate.

  2. I used to get lash extensions done before regularly, and they just looked like I was gifted with naturally incredible lashes.

  3. I like how they look. They don’t hinder my vision, nor are they uncomfortable. They just get pricey so it’s a once in a while thing.

    As for security, just gotta make sure you use some good lash glue.

  4. A lot of my coworkers wear fake lashes ans have tried to get me to wear some as well. I’ve only seen really dramatic pairs hinder their vision. They were very thick and heavy and caused my coworkers eyelids to droop. She had to take them off halfway through the work day. However, all my other coworkers that wear simple lashes never seem to have had any issues.

  5. To me it’s uncomfortable but they do not hinder my vision. Idk if it’s just me and I’m a starter so anyone have tips how to make them more comfortable

  6. They balance the face, i think. When a face is fully made up, the eyes tend to look smaller and less prominent than you normally want them to. So, false lashes FTW!

  7. I like the look of them- I feel like they make me look more sexy.

    If you apply them perfectly then they won’t be uncomfortable.

    If you wear bigger lashes they definitely do hinder your vision a tad but you get use to it. It’s like wearing glasses- your brain just blocks them out.

    If you don’t apply the lashes correctly then they can be uncomfortable- the band on the lashes can stab your eyes and the glue you use can get in your eyes and burn really bad. Some people have sensitive eyes so their eyes will tear up a lot when wearing them/applying.

    If you use a good eyelash glue then they will be super secure. I can nap in mine 🙂

    The only thing about the glue is sometimes it gets stuck in your lashes and rips your actual lashes out.

    Any form of water will soften the glue and the lashes will come right off (this is why people with sensitive/watery eyes struggle so much with lashes)

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