What’s the hardest part of being in a committed relationship?

  1. I cannot, for the life of me, hold on to my sweatshirts and hoodies. They all vanish.

  2. If you’re years (I’d say 2 or more) into a committed relationship and still have a hard time…I’d question myself about it.

  3. It depends I’d say on what type of guy you are. You’re someone that can easily get girls then engaging conversation with other girls become a chore or some bomb ready to blow up and then there’s the chance where some chick might be your type but you in that relationship so it’s tough to choose.

    If you’re someone that most girls would be after then it’s just a walk in a park because you’re not in the sense tempted or even have the mindset to look at other girls as potentials

  4. Taking each other for granted & becoming too comfortable. Truth is, there is something to be said for only seeing a woman when you’re both at your best and you both are 100% locked in to each others company. Committed – long term relationships, your wife is dropping a loaf while you’re busy shaving in the morning and you both are half ass listening to one another (because you’ve basically talked about most things).

  5. I can’t think of anything. Being with my partner is nothing but a blessing.

  6. Having to share things. I had to share my cereal, my couch, my bank account, my bed, my laundry mat, my bathroom, my food, my space/privacy. It was okay…… Until she asked me to share my Pokemon Master Collection like WTF?!?! That’s a HUGE built of trust. We’re not there yet!!!

  7. Scheduling and making sure all of them receive the time and attention they deserve.

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