What does it mean if a man doesn’t want you to pay for dates at all? Is it a turn off if a girl insists on paying?

  1. That’s a guy who has a traditional view of the relationship and wants to show he is a provider

  2. A man shouldn’t have to pay for everything. It’s a turn off if she won’t pay for anything.

  3. It means that he is a gentleman, and wants to pay for you. And yes if the girl insists on paying that is rude, you are supposed to accept gifts graciously not try and pay for said gift.

  4. It means he likes you and wants to take care of you.

    You are sweet for offering to pay and he will notice and appreciate it, but if he wants to pay let him. If you’re genuinely grateful that’s all a guy can ask for.

  5. I respect a women more and take her more seriously if she splits the check on a date ( or pays for the next one.).

  6. Relationships are co-dependant. If one person tries to assert a dominance, that is a no for me.

  7. Probably has some old fashioned views, but probably coming from a good place.

    Personally I don’t care who pays but will always reach for the bill first. If I hear an “I’ve got this” then I’ll hand it over. It’s only a turn off when I’m expected to pay for everything, especially when I’ve been the one invited out rather than the other way around.

  8. No. Men think you wont think of them men enough if they let you pay. Which is fair, because you women do crazy shit like that.

  9. I think most dudes love it.

    1) Dating is expensive as hell.
    2) I think most dudes worry some point about not being anything more than a dinner coupon dispenser. So it is a good feeling to see any action that suggests that the woman actually likes being around you.

  10. It isn’t a turn-off if she pays, but, frankly, I go into every interaction where I’ve invited someone (friends, dates, family, etc) planning to pay for the whole bill as I think that is the right thing to do.

  11. I honestly don’t mind paying, but if she wants to pay great, or we can go halves, or split the check I don’t care at all. I love independent women ( married to one).

    If you’re dating someone who makes consider more than you they should probably be paying most of the time. If you’re pretty close to even take turns.

    If you just started dating however initiated should be prepared to pay if the other person can’t go 50/50. They should still consider covering the tip if it isn’t to unreasonable.

  12. I’m a little old fashioned, I guess, but I never let a woman pay for dates early on.. Once we’ve gone out a few times, and I’m comfortable that we’re both interested, then I’ll absolutely let her take the initiative and we can trade paying on dates or whatever… but, if she insists really heavily on paying on the first few dates (especially the first one), I would assume that she is looking at it more as a friendship than potential romance.

  13. I would refuse her money on the first and second dates because i feel its the man’s job to do that. However later on i believe one pays and then the other within reason.

  14. I must admit, I get uncomfortable when my date insists on paying or contributing to something I’ve planned/suggested. Makes me self-conscious about future plans–I don’t like spending other people’s money. If she insists “I’ll get the next one.” I’m probably starting to doubt what I had in mind for the next one. I also just think it’s silly and somewhat juvenile to wrap up paying the tab as asserting independence.

    However, that’s very much in the early stages of dating. When I start to feel like she knows what to expect with me, it wont bother me if she gets to the check first.

  15. When the bill came on a first date the girl immediately reached for her wallet to pay for her half.

    There wouldn’t have been a 2nd date if she expected me to pay. Granted I’ve only been on one date where the girl expected me to pay

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