There’s a lot of people on this sub who are struggling with dating for a lot of the same reasons. What I notice is a lack of emotional intelligence and the reluctance to do what you feel you should do. I’ve found these two aspects to be critical in dating. So, ask me anything. I’ll only tell you exactly how I would approach your situation/problem.

  1. I’ve noticed there’s a lot of insecure women asking the same redundant questions over and over. Stuff that you see 16 year old girls ask/do… But it’s 25+ year old women doing this nonsense.

  2. I (26f) was dating guy for a few months. I fell for him pretty hard. but he was dealing with some pretty terrible shit in his personal and emotional life and, because of that, broke things off super suddenly. we discussed staying casual but ultimately he said it would be a bad idea because our feelings for each other would get in the mix.

    I feel crushed and I can’t get him off my mind. But my question is not how to get over him… but if it is worth revisiting contacting him in a month or two if I feel the same way. I obviously want to give him the space he asked for but I can’t help feeling that we could have been really, really good.

    please be kind to me, this is still pretty fresh.

  3. 20M moving from the suburbs to a major city next month. Know barley anyone in the city and not even sure how I will spend my days, other than classes and stuff. What advice would you give for meeting girls etc?

  4. I just want to know what you’d think/feel in my situation as a guy (I’m the girl in this situation.) I’ve been on 3 very spread out dates with this guy due to vacations, work, etc. No initiatives to kiss or anything, just hugs. Texting slows down a lot with me initiating more often. I feel like he’s playing games. if I take a long time to reply, so will he. He seems a little insecure about dating – he’ll purposefully show me texts that other girls have sent him, he’ll bring up random hookups that he regrets, and he even used me as a “trophy”?? He brought me around his friends on the second date without letting me know beforehand and I was so shocked!!

    I initiated the first and third date but he always texts me after the dates. Is it just time to walk away completely? Is he just insecure and being weird??

  5. How can I move on and let things go after my boyfriend has hurt me (not physically)? He’s expressed genuine remorse and apolgized, I want to begin feeling closer to him again and rebuilding but I don’t know how to move on from it.

  6. I’m 27M and honestly am a really soft person, like a puddle. To give more context I’m the type to get attached easily if I find any hint of reciprocation, and I like to know about exclusivity early. Had dated 3 girls seriously but had no casual dates before.

    Now I’m considering jumping back onto the field, online because my area is deprived, but also looking at so many posts about ghosting after dates, losing interest etc I’m genuinely sceptical about dating again esp online where everyone just fucks each other and then ghosts. Like ??why. I guess im sort of affected by dating culture these days.

    What do I do? I know the whole post probably screams needy + insecurity which I should do something about, but im torn between trying not to be appear sensitive vs ‘just be who I am’. Any advice is highly valued

  7. I potentially have a dangerous situation on my hands. I told a guy I was seeing that I no longer wanted to see him and he wouldn’t leave me alone, so I’ve blocked him on all social media. He has since created new numbers on google voice to reach out to me. He’s also mentioned wanting to come to my house to talk to me and I told him very clearly no. What do I do if he doesn’t stop?

  8. I’ve been invited to a family gathering of my girlfriends family. 30 someodd people. Its a barbecue, so I should bring something, yes? More life advice than dating advice, but I haven’t always received the best life advice from people I trust

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