Basically what the title says. For 3 years I thought something was wrong with me. Sex hurt every. Single. Time. I could get a little wet but not really. Now with the new guy I’m seeing he can rub his hand on my leg and it’s like the Amazon rainforest down there. Just curious as to why 🤷🏻‍♀️

  1. You like him! Your body chemistry likes his body chemistry! And you feel safe with him and the body thinks “time to get a churnin”

  2. You were not physically compatible as hard as your mind tried to be your body said no

  3. I think you are more sexually attracted to your new bf than your old one. It happens, for me I use to cum from me fucking my ex, not her fucking me. Tbh my ex never made me cum one time, she could ride me or give me a hj but that’s about it, we ended it and I went out with another girl maybe 6 months later, and tbh that girl made me cum for sure. She would ride me like my ex but the difference is I actually came from her, and only her. I didn’t have to make myself. She knew how to please me and didn’t make me do all the work all the time like my ex. Plus I was turned on much more, it was the sexual attraction in my eyes that changed it up.

  4. I literally just went through this about a year ago with my current partner. I was with my previous boyfriend for 3.5 years and i HATED having sex with him. I thought i was broken. it hurt, i was always dry and never turned on.

    With my current partner, he’s much more experienced than i am but the biggest game changer in my opinion, is that i LOVE him. i TRUST him. i’ve never had doubts or questions about whether he’s attracted to me and we have fun. We align sexually and start to crave each other. It scared me at first due to coming out of an unhealthy relationship initially but from my perspective, sex isn’t everything by any means, but if that connection is lacking, it’s your body and mind telling you that person isn’t the one

  5. I couldn’t get hard with an old gf because i constantly felt under pressure. Haven’t has the problem before or since, so you never know.

  6. He’s the ex for a reason, even your body, more like your subconscious probably, knew something was off

  7. You either weren’t compatible or weren’t confortable with your ex, and you are with your new partner. I got a UTI almost every time I had sex with my ex, so bad I couldn’t stand for him to touch me by the end. No issues with my current partner.

  8. Probably were nervous with the ex. So dry. Then it hurt. So now you always feared it would hurt. So dry.

    Now you are bathing in new relationship energy. It’s great. Wet as ever . Not nervous

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