What’s the hottest thing a girl can do?

  1. Looks will get me potentially interested but a good attitude and similar values would get me to stay.

  2. After I’ve brought her to orgasm with my D, bring me to orgasm with her mouth 👄

  3. Be enthusiastic and forward. I love nothing more than a woman who’s enjoying herself and isn’t afraid to go after what she wants.

  4. Blatantly flirt with me in front of her girlfriends, that definitely awakened something in me.

  5. Being emotionally stable, taking responsibility for her own actions and enjoying books and nice conversations without meaning by it to lose childish fun.

    My gf is like this and i swear i would make her 10 children if i could afford to give them a good life just because of how badly i would like this world to be populated by more people who are as amazing as she is. Yeah, we are in the first year of the relationship… But nonetheless i mean it!

  6. Stretches so that her belly is exposed and you see the thong she’s wearing above her waistline, then she gives you a languid sidelong glance when she catches you looking, followed by a coy smirk.

  7. She just drops to her knees and takes your pants down and blows you til you cim/cof. Then she just gets up and acts like nothing just happened.

  8. Smile! Sensual or naughty, amused or aggressive, as long as it’s genuine, it makes all situations hotter!

  9. Lots of sexual responses on here. Mine is completely opposite.

    Oddly specific, but when I have a bad day, my wife leaves me alone to read a book or play video games, put our kids to bed alone, and come cuddle up next to me. No sex, just be there for me.

    It’s super rare that I have a bad day, but when it happens, she knows I need some space. She takes care of everything and just does everything we usually do together.

    I do the same for her when she has had a bad day, but idk why, I find her the hottest person on earth when she just simply helps and supports me on a rough day.

  10. I’d say show blunt and obvious interest – I say that specifically because I suck at picking up hints and I like things to be straight forward more. Unfortunately by that point though they presume you’re not interested when in reality I’m just slow lol

  11. Be smarter than me. Intelligence is hot and having someone smarter than me would keep me humble. Also I can carry on an actual conversation in addition to cute small talk. Whats not to love?

  12. Stay true to herself, Walk and talk with confidence while treating people with respect. Being articulate and clever is pretty sexy to me also… Like seriously.

  13. Be proactive in interacting with me, be it socially, romantically, or sexually.

    I endure immense indifference from girls all day every day. Obviously they don’t do it intentionally to hurt me, but feeling invisible or like I am only worth socializing with when I make a lot of noise still hurts over time. Showing that I am worth going out of one’s way to talk to only happens once every few months to years, and it is very special when it does.

  14. Wear a short skirt with knee high socks and a short shirt that doesn’t cover the lower part of her breast, while on roller skates

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