Do these guys just have one default speed that they do no matter what?

  1. Ah yea, the classic One Speed Winston usually over the age of 60 and found in a Nissan Micra

  2. Concentrating on being “safe” rather than actually paying attention to the varying road conditions. Top gear, minimal revs, doing the least actual driving possible.

  3. I suspect some of them are hiding health issues that should have been declared, and are fearful of losing their licence if they do.

  4. If you mean country lanes then often 60 is way too fast unless you know it well, there could be a hairpin bend or horse round the next corner for all they know. Then the 40 limit areas tend to be wider more residential areas where 40 actually seems a bit slow. They may be responding to the queue of angry locals who have been up their arse for the last few miles.

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