I (18F) met my best online friend (24M) two and a half years ago when I was 15, he was 21. We were friends for two years, talking everyday and I loved him to bits; we video called, phone called, texted and basically always spoke- I felt like a huge, secure part of his life and he of mine. That was until last October-ish when he got a gf. The first red flag was that he never introduced me to his gf I guess, I just expected that we were big enough parts of each others lives (best friends) that we’d be the first to be introduced. However, now we never speak.I know this is common, that a guy gets a gf and ditches his female friends, I understand that the level of closeness and intimacy that we had (which was a lot) was unsustainable when he got a gf, we openly discussed this but he asserted we were still friends. However more and more times he’d say he never had any time for me, not even 5 mins to reply to a text. It went from talking everyday until me texting and not getting a reply for a week, a fortnight, a month. After a while, I gave up and stopped texting, letting him kno it’s because he doesn’t have time or want to speak to me anymore. However he never texts me anymore, we’ve had no contact for months. But I miss him dearly- I think about him every damn day and I doubt he even spares me a second thought in a month. It hurts to know I’m so easy to move on from, and that our friendship wasn’t as hard hitting to him as I thought. Any advice whether I should attempt to contact him to get closure, or to completely leave it?

I doubt anyone’s gonna read this, but thank you if you have, and for humouring the emotional dumping of a hormonal teenager 🙂

  1. Oh i read it. That’s really hurtful and i understand your feelings.

    But i think you are right about the girlfriend thing.

    I don’t think he deserves your friendship anymore.

    Im sorry you were hurt.

  2. It sounds like you are in a great place to go out there and real life and find real friends near you!

    Perhaps some of them are even romantic prospects.

    It’s just that online friendships rarely workout and always play second fiddle to everything else going on. Online friendships are just never number one in somebody’s life. They are as easy to lose as the remote control.

  3. i’d focus on yourself and if he comes back then he comes back, i know it’s sad to get distant with someone but you can’t force anything right? plus you’re underage right?

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