Men with low stress and good paying jobs, what is it that you do?

  1. I do software programming. It pays well and pretty chill. But you need to like computers and programming for it to pan out.

  2. I think most of the jobs are “stress free” but we make them stressful somehow. I mean if you are working in a gas station, what would be the reason for you to be stressed?
    I think just 20% of the jobs are including stress. And other reasons for the stress are because we are trying to be promoted or something and we are not succeding.
    Borde Police Officer here, low stress because I know what I’m doing, I mean I learn what I’m supposed to know, and I like this job so much. So I don’t have real resons for feeling stressed.

  3. Software Developer for a non-IT corporation. Company is focused on the final product. It gives us a lot more creative license than we would get with a traditional software shop or IT firm.

    That said, low stress, high paying jobs can mostly depend on the employer. I get paid weekly, rarely work overtime, don’t punch a time clock, and am allowed to work from home full time should I choose to do so. These types of perks really go a long way to make the job low stress, not the job itself.

  4. I am a software dev for a large tech company. Most of the stress is self-induced and I haven’t had a problem being able to chill when needed. I work 40 hours a week remotely, so definitely not an insanely intense job. The pay is quite high for the effort imo.

  5. Electrical power engineer. It’s pure awesomeness interrupted by shear moments of terror and frantic troubleshooting & repair. Most people dont know we exist until the power goes out at their house.

  6. I work as a business systems analyst in tech for a large financial firm. It’s low stress, pays 6 figures, and you can network pretty well if you want to move up.

  7. I’m a machine learning engineer. But most of the time my ML services aren’t needed immediately so I’m doing basic data processing and analytics.

  8. 3/4 these answers deal with computers and coding. So basically the most stress free work is one without having to deal with people lol. Or foresting maybe, but youd need a masters or higher for it to pay well i guess.

  9. Data analyst/engineer. My company pays really well and is low stress. Not all companies are like that though

  10. Manage all software development for video editing products. While there are clear deadlines, it’s not that stressful at all, mainly due to the company and coworkers. We’ve got great teams, the overall compensation is ridiculous, and it’s lots of fun to work with others to make the things we make which enable other people to make the things they want to make. Some of us have worked together for >20 years. Look forward to it every day.

  11. Stress isn’t relative to objective measurements. It’s like pain, totally subjective. So, if you don’t want to be stressed, you have to learn YOUR stressors and address them.

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