Ok so for one, I don’t hate my personality and I love talking about anything but I feel so much hate for my body. I hate going outside, I hate getting dressed, I hate going shopping and being anywhere where there are tons of girls who are thin and beautiful make me feel like a loser LMAOO. Even typing this makes me feel stupid but I guess putting it into words helps. I have a boyfriend and he is very supportive but I can’t help but think he might feel embarrassed that he has a gf who has gained weight throughout the relationship meanwhile the rest of his friends all have thin, skinny girlfriends. I feel like he is embarrassed to bring me around and it just makes me hate myself even more. I feel like people judge me for my size and the sad part is that I’m only a size 10/12 so I know I’m not the worst. I don’t lack confidence in what my personality is because I love myself in that way, but I deadass feel so much hate for my body and face fat that I think I don’t deserve friends or have a fear that they don’t wanna be my friend because I am a little chubby. Help me pls. I understand I could probably be projecting but I don’t feel this way towards people that are thick/fat so I don’t really think that.

TLDR: I hate my body and it makes me feel like I don’t deserve friendships and I’m awkward bc of it

1 comment
  1. One of the most charismatic people I know is plus-sized. 10/12 isn’t anywhere close to that. In fact there are plenty of people dieting because they’d LOVE to be down to that size!

    Anyway, hating your body (no matter what size you are, or what you look like) will definitely subtract from your personality/charisma/charm. People do better socially if they are very comfortable in their own skin, dress their best for whatever their body type is (Hint: don’t emphasize body parts you don’t like. Play up the ones that you do!), and are more focused on other people than themselves.

    If you come at people with a negative self image swirling around you, that’ll attach to your entire being, and THAT is what people are judging, not what you look like.

    There’s nothing wrong with eating right, working out and losing a few pounds if you want to (I recommend intermittent fasting), but don’t let this color your whole life.

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