I’m curious to know, if having completely different desires in bed a deal breaker for you?

Me and my gf have been together 6 years, but our sex life is pretty much non existent due to wanting different things in bed. She’s gentle, soft, only enjoys things done to herself. Me? I’m into feeling a rush, experimenting, letting loose as a pair. I’m at my tipping point and curious to know what you’d do in my situation?

  1. And you’re not married?

    I hate to tell anyone to break up. Especially if they’re two great people, totally compatible in every way but one.

    But…some things are really hard to reconcile. Kids is one of them. Either both want kids or both don’t, but a disagreement here does not generally a happy marriage life make.

    Sex is one of those gray areas. Some people CAN and do compromise. It just depends. But if it’s a big deal breaker for you, you might not want to.

    I’m PERSONALLY of the belief that it’s never a bad idea to marry your best lay. Or at the very least, marry someone who completely satisfies you, and you them. Libidos either match relatively closely, or the person with higher or lower has to be completely okay with compromising.

    Full disclosure: sex is an area I’m not personally willing to compromise on. I managed to find someone who matches well with me (likes, dislikes, interests, libido), so I married him.

    Not everyone wants to compromise in that area, and that’s okay.

    Do you think you want and are able to compromise? Would she want and be able to?

  2. >Is being sexually incompatible a reason to end a relationship?

    Pro Tip: you don’t even need a reason to end a relationship. If you feel it’s over, it can be over by breaking up.

    Also, yes. If you are not compatible and someone is not being fulfilled in the sack, call it good and move on to be happy.

  3. 6yrs with the gf and you’re at your tipping point…I mean op have you spoken to her about this? What’s her stance on it?

    Edit: to answer your question yes sexual incompatibility is one of many reasons to call it quits.

  4. Honestly, yes. Incompatibility in the bedroom can absolutely be a deal breaker. If you’re into some different kinks, but are mostly satisfied with your sex life, I’d say that’s fine. But, dissatisfaction in your sex life can lead to resentment, which can lead to all kinds of unpleasantness. If she’s open to trying some new things, I’d say try to work it out. Otherwise, it can absolutely ruin what you have.

  5. I imagine there are degrees of incompatibility. So the answer depends on how much focus you put on sex in your marriage and how significant the incompatibility is.

  6. So it’s not you guys stopped having sex bc of no reason you two stopped having sex bc you’re idea of sex is different? Like I assume you are kind of saying maybe like she wants slow abd passionate and you want to throw her around and pull her hair?

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