I was in a pretty toxic, emotionally abusive relationship, it started when I was 16 and lasted two years. My best friends had to stage an intervention to get me to see that and I’ve been reevaluating all of my relationships since.

I’ve been talking to this guy (M22), he’s known me since I was 13. I know it’s bad, the age/maturity gap is weird but, he says he likes me. He finds me attractive, he wants to be in a relationship with me.

I know it’s bad, I understand that. He’s not good for me, but I can’t help but feel this pull towards him. I don’t want to be like this anymore, I want to be healthy, and make better choices, and I know this is not the way to do so. But I only seem to attract people who are bad for me. I just feel pulled towards this, and I don’t know how to not do that. What do I do? How do I fix this?

Tl;dr: I just got out of a bad relationship, and I’m on my way to entering another. I know it’s bad, but I can’t help but attract people who are bad for me. I don’t want to be like this anymore. How do I fix it?

  1. Well you can start by knowing this is a bad relationship you’re getting into and maybe not get into it

    You tell him no. Period. Your behavior is what attracts these men so change how you interact with men is first step

  2. Don’t start another relationship really u need to talk to a professional and get the tools to learn to love ur self first that’s why u attract bad men love ur self first then good stuff will fall in place trust me luv it will happen

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