There is a guy (via arranged marriage process) who likes me and might be nice to me but I don’t know him that well and tbh I don’t think I am that attracted to him. But I wonder if it is my problem, if I have too high standards.

Should I be practical and go ahead with something like this? I am 26 yo female and my culture supports arranged marriage.

  1. Eh I think arranged marriage should be a thing of the past. If you have an inkling of not wanting to go through with it, then it’s absolutely fair enough not to.

  2. Everyone here is going to be against it, but I’ve seen studies which show people in arranged marriages are happier on average. It’s really not that bad so long as you have veto power on the process. What we call “love” is TBH a really terrible way to find a partner. It’s based on our Stone Age instincts and often fades after a few years. Approaching the process more rationally based on characteristics that will last a lifetime is a much better way to find a lifelong relationship.

  3. While I do not support arranged marriages, I do think that if you guys do like each other to do your thing. Just be careful that your not jumping into anything crazy. There’s a reason why we don’t see many arranged marriages now a days

  4. Depends on whether the pros outweigh the cons. You don’t owe him a marriage just because he likes you.

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