For me, it is the word almost. It means an infinite possibility for me. Endless hope.

  1. I love the word THOUGH. The way you can use it as an insult that just would never translate… “She looked good, though.” No she didnt!

  2. The word: shit.

    Endless possibilities, depending on the context you use it. It can take any meaning. Like the difference between “It’s shit.” and “It’s **the** shit.”

  3. « Water ». Not a native English speaker here. In my country, we are taught pure, « British English », usually with a posh Oxford type of accent. Therefore I was taught to pronounce it something like « wotaa ». Then I moved to the US to earn my Master’s degree… in hydrology! As you can imagine, the word « water » was used all the time in all my classes. Let me tell you: it took me a whole year to pronounce it correctly and flawlessly with this thick, hot-potatoe-in-mouth, scratch-my-throat Western US accent.
    Then it’s become my favorite word to say, and water is life too , so I love « water ».

  4. defenestration.

    The action of throwing someone out of a window.

    “death by defenestration has a venerable history”

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