I have recently started dating this girl and she’s really lovely. I really do like her and I can pick up hints that she really likes me too, we have met up three times up to just (Two walks and mini golf). I haven’t kissed the girl yet because i haven’t the right time to as I normally drop her off right outside her house.

I’m just wondering whether after meeting three times (what we classed ad dates as we’re only young) we should’ve kissed by now. I know this sounds very silly. But when googling the questions it says after third data you should’ve definitely kissed. Just feel like im keeping the girl waiting now after searching this.

  1. I’d generally say by the third date yes, there should have been some physical touch, be it a kiss or whatever else. That being said, it’s not the end of the world. Just make sure your next date is more romantic. The three dates you have gone on were great for getting to know eachother and seem to be more casual, which is great for first dates. Now it’s time to turn up the intimacy. Maybe go for a nice dinner or my personal favourite, go to the beach. These environments are much better suited for closeness and intimacy.

  2. You should have made at least a kiss attempt during the second date to make it clear that you are not just hanging out with her the same way you hang out with your sister.

    If you go out with a girl 3 times, and you never even make a move to show that this is different from hanging out with a friend or your sister, then you are screwing things up and will likely get friendzoned.

  3. Make the next date one that lends itself to more privacy/touch. A drive-in movie where you throw a bunch of pillows and blankets in the back of an SUV is an idea. Good luck!

  4. Stop it with the “should”, people. People can, and do, move at different paces. The “friendzone” isn’t a lesser alternative to a relationship, it’s a component of a relationship. I know people who’ve figured out after years as friends that they both like each other romantically and physically.

    That doesn’t mean you have to wait years to show how you’re feeling! Personally, I always find sitting next to someone (on a bench or sofa) is the easiest way to get close to them.

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