I’m 28 and keep in mind the only sexual contact I’ve ever had before this is anal once with a high school girlfriend and a blow job from a escort in Amsterdam which was mostly a hand job. To make a long story short this women I’ve been dating for about a month I finally got to have sex with her and I felt like I did fucking awesome! Her the next morning over text said the sex was terrible and that sex is very important to her and that she would like to end the relationship. I explained that I was actually just incredibly inexperienced and she basically said that she didn’t want to deal with inexperience with anyone at my age. So I’ve just cut my losses

Not gonna lie this hurt the ol’ ego and any self esteem around sex I had. Before this I literally read The guide to getting down, come as you are, she comes first and cliterate. So as you could tell I definitely wanted to come across as more experience than I actually was.

How do you recover from this? How does one get good at sex? Just go through a number of one night stands until you get experience? Feeling kinda hopeless ngl

  1. One bad review doesn’t mean anything.

    Maybe you just weren’t what she is used to.

  2. Hi! Chick here… hyper sexual with a vast amount of experience… it can be hard for some women to exercise patience. Seems like this may be the case with her.
    However, when you ask how to get better please don’t use a written guide. I’m sure many may disagree but watch some porn… but not the male centric pornhub crap..find female centric porn. I use Bellesa. That will give you so much more context and ideas as to how to please a woman.
    But the biggest thing, is communicate with her… before, during and after. Try not to make it clinical but express a genuine interest in what she likes, her hard no’s, her secret desires… and then try to deliver. Ask her when you’re touching her to tell you when you hit her g spot, or when you’re going down try different tongue movements and ask which she likes best, same thing with the actual deed. Again don’t make it weird but engaging.
    And tbh a series of hookups isn’t a bad thing to get some practice…or even better find a coug who is willing to be your sexual Sherpa.
    In the end; how and what she did was kinda crappy, don’t let one girl get to you… maybe she was into something different.

  3. It is incredibly insensitive and rude to say this to anyone. You are actually like to get rid of such a rude partner.

  4. Don’t let her get you down. It takes practise to be a good sex partner. Like literally *anything* else, you aren’t going to ace it on the first go – no matter how many books you read.

    Next time, be honest about your experience level *before* you have sex so that your partner can adjust their expectations, but also so you can see who is willing (or not) to spend time to help you learn.

  5. Get right back on the horse. You’ll find someone who is more willing to mutually explore their sexuality with you.

  6. You had blow job with an escort poor you I had my Anal and blow when we were drunk and on my friend bed

  7. She isn’t worth your time. Imagine how she would be critical of everything you did

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