What do people think is a scam because they simply don’t understand it?

  1. Crypto. I don’t know shit about it but I know it’s not a scam because some very trusted people have benefited from it.

  2. Downvote me for this: Capitalism.

    Capitalism just determines the ownership of means of production is in private hands. If everyone had a cute little privately owned store and no big business existed, it’s still capitalism. It’s the greedy people that make it work against us. (like everything else)

  3. I personally love using protection plans/service contracts (anything called an “extended warranty” is generally useless though). I get them on everything then make it a point to use it. I’ve maintained having an awesome up to date computer for the last dozen years by using the Hell out of the service plans. It only costs me about $300 to $500 every 3 or so years (to get a new plan on the new computer). If I had to pay outright for computer I’d likely have an ancient one that’d I’d struggle to keep alive.

  4. Economics, politics, dating, men, women and my all time favorite: the right to be left alone/the right to not participate.

  5. “Free” Healthcare.

    As a Brit, I’ve seen Americans knock our system because it’s not free. Whilst this is true, like those same Americans, I also pay taxes, it’s just my taxes go to my father getting free lifelong treatment, kids getting free cancer treatment/ inhalers, etc … I’d rather my taxes go there than bombing countries (Sadly some of my taxes do even go there, but not to the extent of my American folks). Our system definitely has a number of issues which I trust someone to highlight, but ultimately, I’d much rather this type of socialized healthcare.

    I have folks in America who must pay $200 monthly to acquire inhalers. My nephew over here gets them for nothing.

  6. Politics , elections and bailout packages to the most wealthy industrial houses.

  7. Work. It’s just a system in place to get YOU to make SOMEONE else money under the guise of “you’re doing well because you make X”. You are just making someone else money, you’re getting paid for that, you are not making money for yourself.

  8. Religion. Its a TRILLION DOLLAR industry that doesn’t pay tax. Leech of the society.

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