Seeing that cases are rising, and many people are gathering in public areas due to the heatwave, do you think that there is going to be another lockdown?

  1. No, we have the vaccine and to be frank the government have given up

    Lockdowns were in my opinion the right solution at the time we had no tools at all, we should be focusing on other solutions now

  2. No. It wouldn’t work again, too many people have completely lost all faith and trust in the government.

  3. I don’t think there will be a lockdown because the government have stopped giving that much of a shit (if they ever really started), but there could be some updated advice and guidance about public mask-wearing. A few hospitals and doctors near me have reintroduced mandatory masks for visitors, and I think that’s fair.

  4. No. Cases are up but serious illness and deaths are not proportionally high. It’s more virulent but less deadly now.

  5. Unless some insane variant emerges, then no. I do think we should have stricter restrictions on the unvaccinated though.

  6. another lock down would cost too much money. Besides no need now we have a vaccine.

  7. I think there may very will be guidance for people to WFH if they can as well as possible restrictions on certain social activities like pubs etc.

    Hospitalizations are rising and that is with a vaccine which in turn slows the whole NHS down which.

    That and it is going to be bad flu season this year which also puts strain on the NHS.

  8. No, the public simply don’t have the appetite for it, and we can’t afford it with how shit the economy is.

    Compliance with the last lockdown was pretty terrible already, so there’s no way people will accept another one especially as everyone’s fed up with how everything’s going to shit.

    The only way I can see another lockdown happening is if Covid actually turns into the next bubonic plague/smallpox… but by then lockdown will be the least of our worries.

  9. deaths and hospitalizations remain low. There won’t be a change in restrictions until these factors change significantly.

    The omicron variant seems more deadly in other parts of the world than in Western Europe. For that, we might infer that higher vax rates have some value.

    Touchy subject with plenty of nutters on all sides….

  10. Nope. That ship sailed with Blojo and his Mojitos.

    Even if it mutates into something that turns your lungs into clarified butter.

    We are on our own.

  11. Definitely No. That was the way to deal with it at the time but we have vaccines now plus much better therapeutics.

    Cases will probably plateau soon and whilst the current strains are much more transmissible, they aren’t more deadly and symptoms are generally mild.

  12. No chance. There’s no endpoint to it now. It’s here to stay so another lockdown at this point would essentially mean that lockdowns are also here to stay. No one wants that

  13. No I doubt it.

    Cases are really high again but schools are off soon so we should be OK for summer.

    I imagine we may get a work at home advisory is autumn/winter depending on the variant.

  14. No, I think they’re done with all that now. Covid isn’t even on the news anymore

  15. You’re probably more likely to see a program of further booster vaccines from the government, and more mask wearing/requirements at ground level.

  16. As someone who currently has Covid, I think it’s still wise to be cautious about spreading it (eg taking time off work if you test positive, wearing a mask if you have symptoms), but no, there’s no need for another lockdown.

    The vaccine means that most of us will, at worst, feel like we have flu, it’s not likely that many will require hospitalisation. The only way I can see there being another lockdown is if a new variant cropped up that was more dangerous and vaccine resistant.

  17. No chance. Whilst cases are very high at the moment the overall consequences are a lot lower than during the previous lockdowns thanks to the vaccines.

  18. Some kind of restrictions to travel maybe and strong encouragement to wear mask, yes.

    But nothing more than that

  19. Makes no difference, the arrogant, entitled, self-centred masses won’t do it again.

  20. No way.

    However, I wish there was more messaging about mask wearing still being a helpful way to avoid Covid. I’m immuno-suppressed and still wearing one and wondering how much lower the cases would be if people would put them on before going round a supermarket, for example.

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