Which sport has the most painful nut shots?

  1. Probably golf or tennis or something where athletes are not wearing cups. Obviously getting spearing in the gonads by a 350 lb defensive end is gonna suck, but an unexpected sack shot by a bowling ball gone astray? No one is prepared for that.

  2. Cricket. Though L guard manages to keep you safe but if you somehow miss a 140-150kmph delivery and it hits you right there, say hi to the upcoming *swollen weeks*.

  3. Skateboarding or Kickboxing…im legit shocked i wss able to have kids.

  4. Conkers. Man getting one of them to the nuts wasn’t cool. Especially if it was your turn and you missed their conker but hit your nuts

  5. baseball, a line drive back up the middle is 100 mph easily, look uo Josias Manzanillo. Both testicles ruptured.

  6. Archery.

    Ever seen a 10 year old boy get nut-shot by a misfired practice arrow? I have.

  7. Golf. My uncle Rodney got one at a country club near Flagstaff a few years ago. Some drunk idiot decided to hit a long drive – a sure, straight shot. The doctors said it was a one in a million shot, and Rodney isn’t famous for his luck. Fell right into the water hazard. His buddies from the Elks Club fished him out and loaded him onto the cart. Naturally he finished his beer because he’s no pussy. He’s only got one ball in his sand trap now, but he has a cool $7,000,000 payout for pain and suffering and a damn good story!

  8. Gotta add soccer to this. And it’s not just the ball. One time I stretched to block a shot and the guy followed through. Took a few seconds to remember who I was and where I was.

  9. once got a softball to the nuts from the only guy in class who could actually trow one hard.


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