I’m a very quiet person around strangers because of social anxiety so most times when I’m at school I avoid talking to people I’m unfamiliar with. However whenever I do talk I always try to be polite and answer their questions honestly. Recently though I find out people call me a rude, stuck up, witch with a b behind my back even though I barely talk to them or know them. Why do people assume that I’m trying to be rude?

1 comment
  1. Any little thing could put them in a bad mood. You didn’t smile? Rude. They asked you a question and you didn’t hear them? Stuck up. You have angry eyebrows? Witch with a b.

    Miscommunications happen. If you don’t think you’re being rude just keep doing what your doing and ask your friends if there’s something you’re missing.

    Dang, people are nasty for no reason… smh

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