So me and my sister have always shared clothes if we buy something well ask each other if we can wear it but recently she’s been wearing my stuff more often/regularly then I do her for example we work the same job and we both make the same amount which isn’t much and I bought myself a $150 dollar jacket that I wear every so often but not as much as her, she wears it almost every day and one time even came back with stains on it I told her if she’s going to wear it and dirty it to give me $50 for half and she just laughs me off or ignores what I’m saying and keeps wearing it but the main problem is my boyfriend
buys me shirts and I take home his clothes (shirts,jackets, sweats) sometimes to wear as
girlfriends do and I feel like I have to hide it because she’s going to wear something of his and that’s weird to me if I know a part of clothing is her boyfriends or her boyfriend bought it for her I won’t put it on or even touch it but for some reason I feel like she wouldn’t care.But for me it’s
something that makes me uncomfortable so is this something I should set boundaries for

  1. I’ve always been bad about treating my clothes kinda poorly. My sister wouldn’t let me wear her clothes because I’d stretch them by rolling the sleeves or taking them off carelessly.

    Yes, you can set this boundary. Just tell her you’re serious, that she can’t borrow your clothes anymore. She might still be sneaky about it, but she’ll probably be more careful with them and wear them less often.

    If she still blatantly does it, you may need to think of alternative solutions. Idk what though, I just stopped cause hearing my sister whine about it was worse than just not borrowing them.

  2. I would buy a locking trunk and store everything in it that you do not want her wear. If you have separate rooms see about putting a lock on your door.

  3. Older sister here-nip this in the bud ASAP.

    Talk to her and tell her you’re serious. If you still live at home, which I assume you do since you share a room, get a parent involved. Your sister doesn’t seem inclined to listen to you so maybe an outside authority can help. You also run the risk of her lashing out for taking this outside of the two of you. But if she’s not gonna listen and respect boundaries, she needs to learn from you before others teach her. They won’t be so kind when she disregards them.

    If that fails, another Redditor suggested a locked trunk. I think that’s your best bet. You gave warning and now you gotta follow through. If you don’t do anything after telling her to stop, she’s just gonna continue to steamroll you.

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