I don’t know how crazy this sounds but my boyfriend [23] had been on a consistent semen retention for the last year before we met and according to him, he’s never had a problem with holding his sperm because it’s not easy for women to make him ejaculate. But ever since we’ve been dating, he can’t seem to last. He’s gone from never ejaculating to doing so within 5 minutes. He’s constantly stopping himself in the middle of sex, not even condoms work to desensitize it. It’s bringing his mood down and starting to make me feel bad honestly because he really values not “letting go of his sperm”. Is there any way to solve this?

  1. I think he should simply learn to enjoy himself during sexy times and not hold everything in, sharing himself fully with you. ♥️

  2. Definitely a mental thing. He’s putting too much pressure on himself with this desire to never let go of his sperm. Tell him how sexy it is for you that you can pleasure him and make him cum and how much it turns you on.

  3. As a virgin this is what I fear most, not only I would feel embarrassed for not lasting, I wouldn’t even be good at it. So I’d feel like a complete waste of time for her 🥺 I’m 19 and a male with veryyy little experience with only kiss pecks being the most I’ve done😞

  4. So he wasn’t orgasming at all for a year? No wonder he isn’t used to controlling it. I haven’t been swimming since before COVID, I’m probably not going to be beating and lap times if I get back in the pool

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