Just out of curiosity.

I think I saw somewhere on TV, two people who shared vows and exhanged rings, but there were nobody else there to wed them.

So it wasn’t a legal wedding, obviously, but they did it in the spirit of themselves.

Is there such a thing?

  1. You don’t have to have any type of ceremony to get married. Just go to the magistrate at the courthouse and fill out paperwork.

  2. You can do whatever you want if you want some type of spiritual thing. No one cares what two people do

    But if you want legal marriage certificate, someone needs to marry you. No doesn’t need to be a priest. We were married by a judge

  3. There are a few states in US you can do this in. Not revealing where we did ours but yeah we basically said vows exchanged rings signed the paperwork and threw a reception after. It was awesome. The way I saw it was who can tell me how to love my spouse better than themselves, and vice versa.

  4. We didn’t need anyone to marry us. We self solemnized at a micro wedding in Colorado. My husband and I pronounced ourselves husband and wife and signed our married age certificate accordingly. It’s perfectly legally binding here!

  5. If you want to legally be married, it depends on where you live. In the US, there are a handful of states where self-solemnization is legal so you just need you and your partner to sign the paperwork (no officiant is required).

  6. Depends on the state. My state allows it but only within certain religious traditions where that is the way it’s done.

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