I had exchanged numbers with this very sweet girl around my age a few days ago, we’ve been chatting and so far things are going well.

I’m diagnosed with anxiety, and I’m having trouble deciding if the cause of my worries is a big deal or not.

Things are all fine and happy when we text normally, but whenever I need to take some personal time to relax the responses are along the lines of:



Which in my reasoning (which one again, may be flawed because of the anxiety) doesn’t seem like it fits the mood of the previous conversation. Am I the only one who’s thinking like this? I’m really not sure if im overthinking this sort of thing but it’d be relieving to get an outside view. Any responses are greatly appreciated 🙂

1 comment
  1. I think you are overthinking it. Okay and bye do not mean you’re upset but to end a conversation. You cannot know tone completely through text so she probably was just saying bye

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