So I(19m) matched with this girl(18m) on hinge, we connected cause she actually used to play football in highschool, and I thought that was dope and had a convo about that. So I’m new to dating apps for the most part, have had them for like maybe a month, only went on a date with one girl so far, the rest ghosted. So yeah, and before this I was only ever rejected and went on a date with one girl cause a friend set us up, then she ghosted. So yeah, in all honesty I’m used to ghosting

But yeah, learning my way through dating apps, realizing it’s best to ask for a date asap instead of drawing out a convo. So I did that, told her that we should get to know eachother over some coffee or lunch. Then she replied “I’m actually out of town on a family vacation for a bit šŸ™ but I’ll let you know when I’m back!” So in all honesty, I was pretty sure that was a no, but I was surprised I got a response, so I had a little hope and just replied back “Aw damn:( ok yeah, just let me know whenever you’re back. I’m actually not on here much, so here’s in my number if you wanna keep in touch”

I was trying something new that a friend told me to do, which was give my number and not ask for theirs cause if they’re actually interested, they’ll text, idk, right now just trying different things, seeing what sticks. So yeah, that’s why im assuming it was a rejection, but yeah, the following morning she just hearted the message and no response. So like, either she rejected in the nicest way I’ve ever been rejected cause I can’t even tell or she’s being fr. I was just wondering your thoughts on it? I know im mainly just gonna forget about it unless she messages me randomly, give me like a day or 2 and ima forget, but just curious about the situation cause I’ve never actually been told that yk. So yeah, thoughts?

  1. I’m not completely sure but I think she’s being genuine. I guess just wait and see if she replies in the app or through text

  2. I think this is a situation where youā€™ll just have to wait and see. A lot of people on dating apps just to swipe, so donā€™t feel like youā€™re the only one being ghosted a lot. It honestly might have been a rejection or she might just not be the texting type. I donā€™t think thereā€™s a good way of knowing at this point.

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