Recently, my ex (M20) and I (F19) broke up because of a lie I told. We never had any problems beforehand and were very happy for 10 months.

I went out drinking with two very good friends, 1 guy and 1 girl. After getting drunk, my guy friend confessed to me saying that he likes me. I was shocked as I never really kept in touch with him and he knew about my relationship. He was also there when I was shopping for my ex’s valentines gift

Afterwards, I got into the backseat while he sent my other friend back home. I was completely hammered and slept while he drove. After dropping my friend, he told me to move to the front. I wasnt suspicious about this because its normal among my friends to have someone accompany the driver in the front seat, whoever that driver may be.

He brought me to a carpark and started talking more about his feelings. He then asked what I would like to do. It was already 3 am so I told him to just take me home as I was very drunk and didnt want my brother to wait up for me too long.

He then took me home. I said goodbye to him and out of nowhere he suddenly kissed me. I froze and didnt react wisely by pushing him away. Instead, I immediately got out the car and went back home.

I knew I had to tell my boyfriend about this but was scared to as I thought he wouldnt trust me and think I cheated. We met up twice after that and I kept chickening out.

Finally,4 days later, I had the guts to tell him. However, I knew I should have told him immediately. Therefore I lied and said I forgot about the kiss until my friend reminded me about it. He was really upset and decided to send me home so he could think about it.

The next day, he questioned me again and I decided he deserved the truth. I told him that I actually remembered but I was a coward and didnt know how to tell him the truth. He said he believed that I didnt cheat, but couldnt get past the lying.

He didnt want to be insecure during the relationship and was afraid he would end up being controlling. He broke up with me and ended it on good terms. He said he didn’t want to see me again as he still loves me but needs to move on.

I know I messed up big time and am not entitled to a second chance. But will he ever have a change of heart and want to try trust me again? Is there nothing left to do?

TL-DR : guy friend kissed me while i was drunk. I told my bf about it 4 days later but lied saying I didnt remember the kiss, and only remembered after another friend told me.

  1. I feel like this is the kind of stuff you do in your teenage years. Not 19-20. Come on.

    You made a mistake and your relationship suffered as a result of it. Hopefully this is life teaching you a lesson.

    Please be careful. And tell that other dude what he did was wrong. He took advantage of you while drunk, and it’s lucky he didn’t take it further. But what he did was still unacceptable. He knew what he was doing, and it isn’t okay.

  2. You didn’t push him away but you immediately got out of the car, correct?

    That’s what happens when some guy takes advantage of your state. You have no phucking idea what to do BUT GET AWAY! And you did, Op. That’s what is important, imo.

    Yeah~~~ you were freaked out and you “lied”. Bummer, but it happened. I would explain that to my boyfriend/Ex but if he doesn’t think about it or understand, move along, Op.

    I think men don’t understand what it’s like to be a woman and get hit on by other men outta no- where.

    I was your age, 18, working at an office. I was standing with my office manager discussing something or other. The salesman meeting let out and the salesmen came to the front to get coffee. No biggie. All of a sudden, I felt a hand reach between my pants leg behind me and GRAB. I was totally surprised, upset, and freaking SCARED. I ran. I ran until there was no where else to run. My office manager ran to me and asked what just happened. I told her. It was me, her and a number of salesMEN in the area and I had just been groped! It was aweful, simply AWEFUL. I finally told her and she told the branch manager. What happened? It was my word against his, I should take it as a “compliment”, all the salesmen had been drinking and ya know~~~boys will be boys. Yeah, phuck that.

    I feel you, Op. I’m sorry a man took advantage of you. I’m sorry you didn’t feel comfortable telling your *boyfriend* what actually happened, and I sure as chit am sorry your boyfriend didn’t square off on the guy and not you.

    >>hugs<< Op.

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