What’s one food that if it didn’t cause serious health problems, you could eat all week and not get sick of it?

  1. Indian food. I’ve done it for two months straight and never got tired of it.

  2. Hotdogs. They’re so good and so versatile, a quick microwave-and-put-it-in-a-slice-of-bread at the extreme quick/budget end, all the way through to grilled artisanal sausage served on a toasted bun with caramelised onion, melted cheese, relish, mustard, bacon, etc

  3. Dried persimmons. I ate a whole bunch and then my ex informed me they can cause bezoars.

  4. i remember i ate thanksgiving leftovers straight for like a week. unlike my family i absolutely did not get tired of it. i probably could have lasted another two weeks. each plate i ate everyday had stuffing, turkey, mashed potatoes, corn, and jambalaya (cajun rice dish my family makes.) with gravy smothered all over everything. probably gained like 20 pounds after that one week

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