Mine is the M62. Couple of ikeas, the farmhouse, the views when you get to Yorkshire… unmatched

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  2. It’s not a motorway, but shout out to the A66 from Scotch corner to Penrith.

    * Roman road, so both ancient and straight
    * Fantastic vistas over god’s own country
    * Plenty of werewolf sightings and other preternatural apparitions

    Not much beats the A66 in my book.

  3. M5 between portishead and clevdon but not during rush hour then it is the worst

  4. Whenever I drive North-South I always take the M1 rather than the A1 as it has a lot less bottlenecks so I would probably go with that.

  5. M90.

    Steepest Hill.

    Tightest turn radius.

    Most Northerly.

    For most of its length never busy.

  6. M40 – because there’s usually little traffic (or patrols, hush hush.) Favourite stretch however is M6 between Lancaster and Carlisle

  7. The M62 has great views, and I think that’s why no matter the time or day, there’s always at least one accident.

  8. M50 down to South Wales – never any coppers on it as its a Welsh/English no mans land and can confidently do 100mph for the duration, including the A road section down to Newport.

  9. It’s the M4 Bath to Reading.
    Can’t explain it. It just seems perfect.
    This may stem from my love of the parallel A4 which has some cracking bits. Some great stretches for easy overtaking.
    Both are much better at dusk.

    I live on the M5 and hate it.

    God, I’m weird. Sorry.

  10. It’s the M4 Bath to Reading.
    Can’t explain it. It just seems perfect.
    This may stem from my love of the parallel A4 which has some cracking bits. Some great stretches for easy overtaking.
    Both are much better at dusk.

    I live on the M5 and hate it.

    God, I’m weird. Sorry.

  11. I’d probably say the M181 as it’s the only Motorway Spur of a Motorway Spur in Britain (even if it’s only like 2 miles long). However, the M606 has to be the worst motorway going as that’s seemingly always congested due to another crash or roadworks.

  12. A1(M) – specifically from around Leeds to Teesside. Low traffic most of the time, wide and no speed cameras.

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