tl/dr; Blackout sex with my friend, she told me a week later after lying to me about it.

Hi everyone. I need advice on something. Last year my drinking was really out of control and every weekend I was blacking out for most of the night. One time I woke up with a black eye and a lot of bruise. Another time I fell and broke my tooth. Just so everybody knows, I was on antidepressant at that time and did not know it made my drinking worst. One time when I was blackout something really weird happened (of course i do not remember, my « friend » (Lets call her Claire) told me about it). I woke up the next morning with no memory at all (as usual). But I felt something weird happen. I did not have my pants on, I had my friend pants (24F at that time). I guessed I took the wrong pants because both our pants are black. I went home and did not think further of it. I texted my best friend who was there if anything weird happened and she told me that everything was fine we had fun etc. Two days later I learned that Claire broke up with her girlfriend. The same day at night she texted me « do you remember it? » I was like no and she told me nevermind. I insisted and she told me I went in the bed with her and her girlfriend at some point and made moves on her. But nothing happened. I apologise and was trouble by this since I’m not gay or bi and was seeing a boy at that time. But I was too drunk and out of my mind, so I decided to learn from this. the thing is she did not told me the whole truth. 5 days afterwards I insisted to know EXACTLY what happen, she said she felt weird saying it to me since i did not remember. Finally she told me the truth. I went naked in the bed with them and Clair fingered me. I do not remember and feels so trouble by it. I tought she was my friend. I asked her if we talked and she said no. She did not even tried to ask me how I was, she just fingered me like that. I feel like i still do not know everything since she lied about it the first time.. Now my best friend keeps seeing her and it hurts me so much. She’s my best fiend and keeps seeing someone who traumatize me. Back then she kept
seeing her too and nobody knew about it. Claire told her girlfriend i made advance but nothing happened. I was so sad back then. Everybody was still seeing each other and me I was dealing with that alone for months. My best friend said Claire is not really her friend but she wants to keep seeing her (which i dont get). I’m still mad about everything about this situation. I take the full on responsability of drinking to this point, but claire was my friend and should have stop this. She said to my best friend that she was horny and it’s been a long time since she slept with her girlfriend…

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