“Boyfrìend-zone” is when a person you thought only as a platonic friend suddenly wants a romantic relationship with you, in other words wants you to become their boyfriend. How often does it happen?

  1. I’ve had it happen a few times (around 7) and women don’t take being friend zoned well

  2. Boy friend zoned? So you mean friendzoned but because you’re a woman it needs a different title?

  3. This has started happening to me

    And it feels nice at first, but quickly draining when you have to sidestep all the flirtatious remarks and sexual tension.

    If women were stronger than men on average, it would really set alarm bells off in my head. I understand womens perspective on creepy men and rape a lot more now.

  4. It only happens to the 10% of men all the women seem to want. I was lucky enough to be in this 10% for a few years. I had a lot of offers from women and I had FWB relationship with most of them. There was the occasional one I didn’t want, either because they were very unattractive or they were simply too insane. Saying No to the crazy ones created problems for me but not as many problems as saying yes to them would have created.

  5. In my 32 years of living it has never happened once, and I’ve always have had a large circle of female friends.

  6. If you give a woman a few really good orgasms, no matter how casual it started, it’s about to get real serious, real fast.

  7. Occasionally. If that’s what you’re after you have your answer, if you want to understand why… That’s an entire can of worms, but the most simplistic way to put it is, don’t try to open it. Instead ask yourself why would you reject someone (a friend) that you are not attracted to, in “that” way.. could be a number of reasons. Could be he’s a single parent, has poor physical and mental hygiene/habits, friendship is way more valuable than fucking for a month then realizing the initial gut feeling “it’s never gonna work out” was on point and should have listened to it instead of making all this awkward eventually losing contact permanently and so on.

  8. I had this happen just recently, actually, for the first time since high school. Bothered me a lot more than I thought it would, losing a good friendship like that kinda sucks.

  9. It starts out one of two ways.

    1. They were always attracted and tried to angle themselves into your life through being a friend but after a while they just can’t take being just a friend anymore.

    2. They were not initially attracted to you and being friends was fine but after prolonged exposure to you they started developing feelings.

    It’s possible to start developing romantic feelings for a platonic friend after a while. It’s more common for women to do so than in men but it’s not that uncommon.

  10. Too often, that’s why I cherish the few women in my life that wants to be nothing more than friends.

  11. First time I heard of this zone.

    I think this has happened a total of 4-5 times. I’m not any sort of casanova or whatever, just some model painting nobody that can’t figure out video game coding. But even still, some lasses just really want to fling their hearts at people soon as possible. Anything from within a week or within years of not speaking.

    The one time I was receptive to this, it led to me being cheated on after a year of solid chemistry, them running off with the same person then getting dumped and trying to scurry back. Naturally I said no at that point.

  12. Assuming you are a generally good person, I believe there’s a threshold of good dick that any woman can receive from a good man without catching feelings and trying to “boyfriend-zone”.

    How often this happens (to me) depends on how often I fuck someone more than once. Basically this happens with every girl that I’ve given consistent and good dick to.

    Unfortunately, many women have bad expectations and experiences with men, so all it takes is treating them like a damn human and a little good sex and think think they’ve met their husband. I know I treat you well, and fuck you well, but it’s not bc I’m in love with you. I value you as a person, and enjoy sex😊.

  13. It’s only happened to me once. Lasted like a month, and the friend group I was in was all really awkward w me after I ended things with her.

  14. Boyfriend-zoned but not fuckboy-zoned sometimes unfortunately.

    I even take this a bit personal as the woman in question will say: “I already have someone fucking me.. but i’m only down to date seriously for a relationship though.”

    Yeah no thanks.. i don’t want to put up with your bad sides as you’re giving out your goodies to another guy why not me?.


  15. The moment your friend expresses attraction beyond friendship, that’s not mutual, the friendship is over.

  16. Holy fuck this thread is bringing out the cringe.

    “Give her a few good orgasms thatl get you out of the friendzone.”

    “If she friendzones you then she wasn’t your friend to begin with.”


    Jesus Mary and Joseph.

  17. Fact I just made up right now that is absolutely 100% true:
    Every 15 seconds, someone in the world is being friend zoned.

  18. Not with platonic friends, but I get boyfriend-zoned all the time on my “hookup dates”

    They like me way better in person and see relationship material and shift towards that; usually by slowing things way down…

    Which sucks because I wasn’t looking for a relationship with them. Their mid play audible typically results in neither of us seeing each other again

  19. “Boyfrìend-zone” is not a thing, Becky! Stop trying to make it a thing. It’s never gonna happen.

    (_src: Mean Girls_)

  20. it only counts if they stop treating you as anything but a potential partner; if someone can deal with their feelings without blaming the person, thats fine, but being partnerzoned includes being treated shittily for not wanting to date them.

  21. Huh?


    If a girl isn’t dating you, then she’s never dating you. Stop watching those fucking stupid, lying, propagandist movies telling you that you just need to wait until she sees how wonderful you are and that she’ll *finally* wake up and date you after she’s had bad boy after bad boy hurting her.


    I’m being harsh for your own good, kid. Otherwise you’ll end up wasting your valuable time and more succinctly your sensitive heart on a woman that is just using you as a contingency plan for when she’s 30+ with 3 kids and Chad won’t look her way any longer.


    Stop wasting time on loving somebody that isn’t interested, and start using it to find someone that is. She’s out there and you’ll be so glad when you find her.

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